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“Do something and if it doesn't work, try something else.”

Human welfare and mutual aid are at the core of my support. Find serenity, kindness, resources and solutions to approach your life path today and in the future.


Marion Prats
Intercultural clinical psychologist
Solution Oriented Therapies

Certified in brief therapies (NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, eye movements, Stilbil), I consolidated this knowledge with a Master Degree in Psychology at the University of Toulouse.

"My learning has no other fruit than to make me feel how much I still have to learn," said Montaigne...


Marion Me connaitre (résumé)

A moment
with yourself to...

Improve your well-being and relaxation, confidence and self-esteem

Treat pain and daily disorders ( sleep, fatigue, migraines, etc. )

Find more meaning in your life and your relationships with others

Overcome life's difficulties (breakup, divorce, bereavement, unemployment, assault, violence, etc.)

Remove the obstacles that block your actions

Free yourself from your phobias, fears, stage fright and anxieties

Thanks to the key skills that I apply in each session

  • active listening

  • curiosity

  • respect and kindness

  • search for your therapeutic autonomy

  • constructive exchanges, always oriented towards the solution and resolution of your problems

  • professional secrecy, security and confidentiality

  • and the belief that you are the expert on your own life!

Consultations Marion Prats


I met Marion for hypnosis sessions. She was extremely effective: always with kindness (and the word is not overrated), she leads us to ask ourselves the questions that we prefer to avoid, to discover what we do not want to see.
She quickly helped me see things more clearly and identify solutions. Afterwards, of course, it is up to each person to move forward or not, but with full knowledge of the facts, because she gave us the "toolbox". In any case, this therapy "elevated" me.

Katherine M., 61 years old

A place, an interlude in your routine

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